Recent content by Green

  1. Green


    o7 now who am i to talk to at 8 am while the server is falling into chaos
  2. Green

    [USA] O5-1 "The Alchemist" Application

    +Support -Good soldiers follow orders
  3. Green

    Operation Lancelot

    Insert Evil laugh
  4. Green

    Fission was the mission.

    Best scapegoat I ever used <3
  5. Green


    I found this post cringe and appalling. Keep up the good work newbie.
  6. Green

    Sunari's Goodbye forever

    I simply love being green
  7. Green

    Eric "The Tempest" Cappington is OUT!

    Who are you again? I've seem to have forgotten ?
  8. Green

    [USA] War's Overseer Assistant

    +/-Neutral While I have had a lot of good interactions with you war, I'd recommend getting another junior cl4 job under your belt or getting a MTF CO position.
  9. Green

    [USA] Camden's OSA Application

    -Support You just recently received Ethics Assistant, so I'd personally recommend waiting a month or two before applying for OA so the council can see if you are fit for the job or not.
  10. Green

    [USA] Voyles' Overseer Assistant Application

    -Support I recommend getting at least 2 cl4 positions under your belt before applying for OA.
  11. Green

    Rook's SA Application (USA)

    +Support -Active -Mature -Senior CL4 Knowledge
  12. Green

    [USA] Squirrelly's (7th?) SA Application

    +Support -Active -Friendly -Mature Let em cook
  13. Green

    LittleMsStupid's Chief Overseer Application - O5-1 "The Catalyst"

    -Support While I like Catalyst as a person they were removed for inactivity from the council and as far as im aware haven't been around site since then in any impactful ways.
  14. Green

    [SCP-RP USA] Randal Murphy’s Application for O5-4: “The Accountant”

    +Support The Foundation will finally pay its taxes
  15. Green

    [USA] O5-1 "The Suspect" Application

    +Support Unsure of the need for an application based system of choosing a new -1 but Khan is the person I left to takeover epicaps role as -1 as I believe they are the best person we have. I served the council for 9 months and he is one of the best O5 I have had the pleasure to work with.