Recent content by Guts

  1. Guts

    Content Suggestion New scp that could be easy to code

    if its so easy why arent you coding it
  2. Guts

    Bobby1 ISAF Application

    fifth time's the charm
  3. Guts

    Partially Accepted Redacting Specific Jobs on TAB menu

  4. Guts

    Network Leadership required Create an Event Server to be used for Major Events.

    big events on main server = lag lag = less players less players = no money event server = big events on event server big events on event server = no lag on main server no lag on main server = more players more players = more money tl;dr More money = good Hotel = Trivago
  5. Guts

    Network Leadership required Create an Event Server to be used for Major Events.

    as someone thats never bothered with the game trakcer whats the actual appeal of it, most people pay attention to the ingame server list anyway
  6. Guts

    Content Suggestion Current state of SOP

    today on: why nu7 and dea should be merged
  7. Guts

    Partially Accepted UNGOC Base Change

    allow me to give you a better suggestion on what should be done with the goc base
  8. Guts

    Getting Exception/Reword/Something on Discord Rules

    are you artistic
  9. Guts

    Accepted Dissallowing usage of the inventory while arrested.

    if i am going to spend 5-10 minutes on average in a cell with somebody else, you can expect something to happen to cure my boredom
  10. Guts

    Charles Whitmee, Ethics Assistant? [UK]

    can you summarize your ethics experience in fortnite terms
  11. Guts

    Partially Accepted Make people in 22415/Shadow dimension immune to 008 spores

    turn it into a lore reason not even dimensions are safe from an extremely deadly pathogen
  12. Guts

    Partially Accepted Make people in 22415/Shadow dimension immune to 008 spores

    008 breaches happen so rarely that its actually a bit of fun when theres a sudden spore in the dimension out of nowhere
  13. Guts

    SCP-US Jimmy Gomens Blacklist Appeal Trial Mods should not make a demotion appeal, they should instead apply for staff again.