Recent content by Hamood

  1. Hamood

    Bobby1 ISAF Application

    -support actual opp
  2. Hamood

    Whiskey's Returnee Application

    +support sure
  3. Hamood

    Content Suggestion Nerf LMGs

    this guy has like never played mrp, number 1 JasonM glazer fr
  4. Hamood

    Content Suggestion Nerf LMGs

    I stopped mid prayer to -support this shit
  5. Hamood

    Gene rmp returnee app

  6. Hamood

    [UK] O5-3 'The Zealot'

  7. Hamood

    Jason M. GM Appeal

  8. Hamood

    Kyzent's Returnee Application

    +support you are one stinky iranian and also if you're serious about helping NATO
  9. Hamood

    Oceanus' Returnee Application

    -Support You know why......... "Then that's a you problem".........
  10. Hamood

    Walter Piecebury returnee Application

  11. Hamood

    Returnee Application - Gela

  12. Hamood

    Eyes NHC Application V2.0 (no improvement)

    -Support From my experience on the server and the times I've played NATO, imo you're not fit for a HC position
  13. Hamood


  14. Hamood

    big jez returnee application

    +Support Big Jez is a seasoned MRP veteran and was a very good Regimental Commander at the time, would help ISAF a lot