Recent content by Hybrid

  1. Hybrid

    Hybrid - Leaving CC Staff

    There's always our massive holidays ;)
  2. Hybrid

    Hybrid - Leaving CC Staff

    Hi Everyone, Unfortunately, due to University commitments, I have taken the hard decision to resign from the CC Staff Team. I felt that I was unable to balance both my responsibilities as a student and as an Admin on the server, to both the staff team and our community to the best of my ability...
  3. Hybrid

    Epicstorm's Goodbye

    Cute, rejoin staff already! You know you miss us... :p
  4. Hybrid

    The complete guide to removing errors!

    What a banger of a tutorial, defiantly a must-have for new and existing players! Very well done Ares!!!
  5. Hybrid

    VC Miner tutorial Large

    Great tutorial Titan, Will be sure to suggest this to new players in sits!
  6. Hybrid

    Im Leaving...

    Sorry to hear your leaving Hennessey, hope to see you on the server every now and then! ? *Go play some other games for a few days/weeks and you may change your mind ??*