Hydro's latest activity

  • Hydro
    Hydro replied to the thread Valk's Leaving Post.
    Cya Valk, I don't play anymore but your name stands out and your point resonates with me. I was saying this exact same thing for years...
  • Hydro
    Hydro reacted to Valkon's post in the thread Valk's Leaving Post with Like Like.
    It's been over 4 years since I first started MRP, and it's a community that's given me a lot of laughs and great times. Unfortunately...
  • Hydro
    Hydro reacted to Lee Falzone's post in the thread Thanks with Love Love.
    Actually huge gz
  • Hydro
    Hydro reacted to Ventz's post in the thread Thanks with Haha Haha.
    this is hydro posting from ventz account because he actually died from a vindaloo incident 3 months ago also gz
  • Hydro
    Hydro posted the thread Thanks in General Discussion.
    I just wanted to thank everyone for 2 months. Here's to another 2 months!
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