Recent content by Iris/Remilia

  1. Iris/Remilia

    [USA] Fanta's Ethics Member Application

    +Support Big bro is absolute cinema.
  2. Iris/Remilia

    [USA] Morningstar OSA Application

    =SUPPORT Who are you?
  3. Iris/Remilia

    [USA] Asmodeus's Ethics Committee Application

    You were a bit harsh on the new users when ya started, but youve gotten better.
  4. Iris/Remilia

    [USA] Reece "Indigo's" Security Captain Application

    +/-support mostly positive support, seems chill from what ive seen from you, and seems like a good cap, but havent seen you all that active.
  5. Iris/Remilia

    Sven Robertson Inspector App

    +Support Despite some instances of unprofessionalism (the fish incident.) you were chill for the most part, get this mf on the inspector team immediately!
  6. Iris/Remilia

    [USA] Asmodeus's Ethics Committee Application

    +1 Support As much as I didn't like you as staff, you were chill the majority of the time. Get this mf on ethics committee IMMEDIATELY ‼️‼️
  7. Iris/Remilia

    [USA] Adam 'Red' Renkov's Site Advisor Application

    Massive +1 This dude is truly absolute cinema, if we could bump him up straight to site director it'd 100% be deserved ‼️
  8. Iris/Remilia

    [USA] Rem's Inspector Application

    Yeah, sometimes i have a few unprofessional times, but theyre all for laughs and gags. I am aware that I have to be serious as this role, so I'll do that.
  9. Iris/Remilia

    [USA] Rem's Inspector Application

    Welp, the time has come. I told you I would fill out an application as soon as my 2 weeks were up, and I'm a woman of my word. Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:526963821 Discord name:averagegoober.mp3 For how long have you played on CG SCP: A month and a day Age:21 In what country are you located?: AMERICA...
  10. Iris/Remilia

    Isd Investigator 'Rem'

    mfw i forget to negate the pocket dimension: Anyways yeah, oopsie doodle dee, forgot a couple bits. ALSO INVESTIFATOR LORE NOW With ts getting changed so much, ion even know HOW ts got approved for officer Removed > radio in arm (NO MICSPAM :mad:) > pocket dimension (dont even know why i put it...
  11. Iris/Remilia

    ISD Operative Rem 'Reality' Alucard

    YOO WSG, after following the advice, I think that I have improved the loredoc, balancing-wise. Marked sensitive for minor blood n stuff in the Cybernetics section Added - Internal Security Operative lore instead of Everything/Officer - Nerfs to the powers - Buffs to the RSC - Weakness to fish...
  12. Iris/Remilia

    Iris' Loredoc (HOLY SHIT MORE STUFF!)

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): Cross-Jobs (ALL OF EM ) Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:526963821 Photograph of PAC:None yet, planning on getting one soon THIS IS ALSO LORE! Added - Detailed Cybernetics - A radio for music n shit - Multiclass Stuff Removed - The 'Becoming Officer...