Recent content by Jeff Carson

  1. Jeff Carson

    Bobby1 ISAF Application

  2. Jeff Carson

    Returnee Application - Jeff Carson

    Steam ID: 76561199096767162 Discord name: .slothers / toasted. For how long have you played on MRP: 3 years not concurrent. Are you a returning player?: Yes If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: 2022/2023 NATO name (regiment and rank): 17thAR PSC Jeff Carson USSR name...
  3. Jeff Carson


    I'll be your catwoman
  4. Jeff Carson

    is beskar fat or a london scammer?

    Story time: he is fat
  5. Jeff Carson

    Fexxy's MRP 2º Moderator Application

    +Support Super friendly guy and you seem to be mature, along with this your activity is good, I have not had any bad interactions with you. However I do not know what your rule knowledge is like. Best of luck!
  6. Jeff Carson

    luaes' MRP Moderator Application

    Neutral I have not had enough interactions to form a proper verdict. Good luck!
  7. Jeff Carson

    Lewis's Military-RP Staff Application

    +Support You're very mature and friendly, never had any bad experiences with you. Your rule knowledge is good and so is your activity. Overall I think you would be a good staff addition. Good luck!
  8. Jeff Carson

    MRP Moderator app

    -Support You do not take RP seriously, and you're constantly minging. Your rule knowledge doesn't seem the best from what I've seen, when you aren't being a minge you can be a nice guy but that is rare. I just do not think you are fit for staff unless you improve. Good luck
  9. Jeff Carson

    Brian Bell Resignation Appeal

    +Support Brian was a very good staff back when he was, all my sits where handled properly with him. He is also a very nice guy and from what I see he is quite active. I do not see any reason why he should not have another shot as staff! Best of luck!
  10. Jeff Carson

    Hamood's Moderator Application

    +Support Hello Hamood, all my interactions with you have been positive and you're quite a funny guy. Your RP is also good and I see that you are active. I'm not sure how your rule knowledge is however you don't have many warns so I'm assuming that it isn't bad. Best of luck!
  11. Jeff Carson

    VeNoM's Staff Application

    Neutral Hey Venom, Although my interactions with you haven't been bad and I see you fairly active. I do see you sometimes be toxic and I'm also unsure on your rule knowledge, therefore I have gone for neutral. Best of luck
  12. Jeff Carson

    David's moderator application

    +Support Hello David, My interactions with you have all been positive and I see you have been fairly active recently. However I'm unsure on your rule knowledge. I think you would be a good addition to the staff team. Best of luck!
  13. Jeff Carson

    Caleb's Moderator Application

    Neutral I have not had enough interactions to form a verdict, however you seem like you'd be a good staff member. Best of luck!
  14. Jeff Carson

    Leonid's Moderator Application

    Neutral I'm going with Neutral as I have not had any interactions with you to form a proper verdict, however your staff application is really good. Best of luck!