Recent content by Jeffery A Steel

  1. Jeffery A Steel

    Its been a long time coming...

    o7 My only Mentee You will be missed
  2. Jeffery A Steel

    [UK] Alex Honda ECA Application

    +Support -Was a great delcom
  3. Jeffery A Steel

    Sleepiest SL

    Sleepiest SL
  4. Jeffery A Steel

    Phill Dee #4 [SCPRP-UK]

    +Support -Former staff member. -No bad interactions. -Mature.
  5. Jeffery A Steel

    [UK] London Freeman’s staff application

    +Support - Good interactions so far. -decent application could use more detail. -Mature.
  6. Jeffery A Steel

    Hey guys

    Ci are friendly to foundation staff fr fr no scam trust me 100%
  7. Jeffery A Steel

    Blunder is actually leaving CN!

    o7 Worst Special Agent ? Tribunal
  8. Jeffery A Steel


    Rip and o7 to the man from legoland
  9. Jeffery A Steel


    o7 did kidnapp you as a Consultant during a Deepcover
  10. Jeffery A Steel

    +Support From yours truly Ratatouillie.

    +Support From yours truly Ratatouillie.
  11. Jeffery A Steel

    [UK] Ganch's Site Director Application

    -Support - Same Reason as Robin Stated above ^.
  12. Jeffery A Steel

    Calling it a day.
