Recent content by 'Jerome'

  1. 'Jerome'

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Crazyscotsman

    app is so lackluster I had no funny response
  2. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Miss Foxen ''Dozer'' Brononva Captain application

    and shouldn't be in the same sentence.
  3. 'Jerome'

    Harvey Bridger's Second reassignment request to ECM

    - Support, you do as much on SA as you did in GSD, and that didn't go down a treat.
  4. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Ace Linguini's 4th Chief Application

    In fairy land? Just opened the GSD roster and looks like a hunk of shit 🤣
  5. 'Jerome'

    Archangel's Goodbye

  6. 'Jerome'

    Denied Remove the CN Logo plastered around the map

    Whoever put that hunk of shit in as a map prop needs to give their head a wobble 😭
  7. 'Jerome'

    Denied Remove the CN Logo plastered around the map

    Believe the big ones are props, however there are some decals dotted around the map with the 2d CN logo
  8. 'Jerome'

    Denied Remove the CN Logo plastered around the map

    Decals can be added & removed by supers - (takes seconds too)
  9. 'Jerome'

    Which Regiment is more Auraful? O-1 or A-1 [UK]

    -Aura for having @Kayla in a sub-division to keep an eye on herself.
  10. 'Jerome'

    Which Regiment is more Auraful? O-1 or A-1 [UK]

    Harbir Ahluwalia >
  11. 'Jerome'

    Mase Lattes Attempt on the Ethics Committee Assistant [UK]

    Begging it with this :skull:
  12. 'Jerome'

    Mase Lattes Attempt on the Ethics Committee Assistant [UK]

    There is no "required experience", it's a Junior CL4 role where you get experience. You should know this more than anyone. +Support
  13. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Marcus "Falcon" Schmidt's Special Agent Application

    Hello again! You claim to be speaking "out of generality" yet you clearly stated "some people don't do their research", seeing I am one of those people who mentioned Falcons past blacklist, it's very stupid to call me "self centered". Once again, fuck you and your opinion! Have a blessed day 🙏🙏🙏