Oh nice so don't address the fact the reasons you provided are completely at odds with how you respond to other applications and how you are a hypocrite but instead try and insult me! I'm sorry it's really easy to find an example of when you've supported an application with recent warnings and...
You are most definitely committed to NATO and I think you should be at least given a chance to prove yourself as High Command as the dedication is there. The warns aren't great but you've kept it clean for 2 months which does show you can follow the rules.
I don't disbelieve that...
+Support all except the weapons buff given they shouldn’t be just given OP guns, the extra equipment is fine imo but I’d say the point of being special forces is more that your skilled in actual combat and more capable (aka getting good KDs) and a weapons buff would just make it annoying for...
Bold claim to say that the infantry rework is the thing killing the server and there’s not really evidence being provided to show that as the case, plenty of privates leave for no reason in general but that’s a result of retention issues as a whole rather than this rework
If you are willing to be active and do events then I don't think in game activity matters much beyond that. Your promises sound good but with map change events rushing 3 in 3 weeks doesn't sound like something you should 100% commit to as are you sure you'd be given the backing for such...
There’s now a lot of mud being slung in my opinion so I’ll address the points made against me real quick I won’t use the specific reply feature for comments as this message will get packed pretty quickly otherwise.
To Biscuits:
Being SFC previously doesn’t justify the rank skip as it’s not that...
As I stated begging was the wrong word, don’t know why you were asking for a rankskip when you had no prior experience at a high level so it looks as though you just wanted an easy way to progress. I don’t think you wanted to actually help the regiment which is what rankskips are for otherwise...
Didn’t you beg Aleem for a rankskip in a public discord channel a little while ago (Begging is the wrong word but you were still asking despite the fact you state here you’ve held no high rank on MRP so are just trying to fast track your time on MRP which suggests you are power hungry)
Also you...
Don’t disagree with any of this, I definitely think the starting points of the training programme and encouraging people to train trainees needs improving as I think that is how we lose quite a few people as they join and just don’t get anyone and leave. The test needs changing but the...
Neutral (leaning -support when it comes to the matter of requiring SL and the exact functions of this system)
I think when it comes to more significant updates and changes it is a good idea for better consultation with RP leaders prior to a change, and slower rollout of the updates while...
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes the training rooms from being separated in respective bases back to a joint room which I believe usually was under the map.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't think so
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