Recent content by John Kild

  1. John Kild

    [USA] Dwight Mustard's Consultant Application

    +Support I definitely support this guys application, I can vouch that he is very responsible and mature and I have had zero issues with him in the time I have been consultant and even a senior doctor. I have seen people ask him some pretty serious questions that some others might have not be...
  2. John Kild

    Content Suggestion Limit PAC3 To Help Stop Lag

    + Support I like this idea, but I wouldn't blacklist Imgur, I would just suggest enforce a rule for pac meaning you have to spend a little more time to optimize your model. But also I would add a slight limit to pac as well for how much you can use from Imgur and other stuff that could...
  3. John Kild

    Jessie's PAC request

    Looks pretty good, its a simple difference for appearance than regular MTF models yet it will make you stand out.
  4. John Kild

    Denied Add DBD-like perks.

    +/- Support I do not fully agree with this suggestion mainly because there is not really supposed to be competition or leaderboards in this server as there would be in Dark RP, like in Dark RP or some other game modes for RP they have perk systems but also the items they have are based off of...
  5. John Kild

    Pending Review Medical QoL Changes

    +/- Support I like the idea with the vials and flasks being able to be purchased in the entities tab for medical, but I do not fully agree with the second idea with the second respawn point. I like the idea of combat medics having more than one respawn points, but I do not think it should be...
  6. John Kild

    Damned/Damian's leaving

    I have only met you a few times, but I hope you have a good rest of your life. Goodbye!
  7. John Kild

    How has yawl's day been?

    Ok then
  8. John Kild

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Tykeck

    + Support As of right now my opinions don't mean much in the community mainly due because I have not been apart of it long, but I would like to add some of my thoughts to this guys application. First, it is a pretty solid and simple application with detail. Second, I have not talked to him...
  9. John Kild

    How has yawl's day been?

    I wanted to ask how everyone's day is or has been so far today?
  10. John Kild

    PAC Request [USA] Sr Doctor Snakey

    I like the change for the color instead of the black you had before, But good luck looks great
  11. John Kild

    [USA] Adame 'Cat' Adams Gensec Captain Application

    + Support I have not been apart of the community long so my + rep does not mean a whole lot but I have seen him a few times and every time I see him he does his job well, He will actively help if needed and will answer questions without hesitation if asked. Like I said my + rep does not mean...
  12. John Kild

    [U.S.A.] Monty's Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    +Support Yet some might think bad of Monty, there are many that think great of him. Even though hearing some things people have said about him I have seen nothing but dedication from him to help the site, if any of the stuff is true then I have seen a massive improvement because I have never...
  13. John Kild

    Hello, I'm John Kild I am just a nice guy. Feel free to message me on here or on discord if you...

    Hello, I'm John Kild I am just a nice guy. Feel free to message me on here or on discord if you would like, I will try to get back to you as fast as I can. Roles That I hold currently -Medical Consultant- Ways to contact me Discord: shadowwolf.
  14. John Kild

    [US] Sr Doctor Esme Cree Consultant Application.

    + Support She is very kind and is knowledgeable
  15. John Kild

    [USA] Dr. John Kild's Consultant application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:512807105 Discord name: shadowwolf. For how long have you played on CG SCP: I should have about 80+ hours on the server if not close, because I have been on every day since last Tuesday (2/11/2025) when I started playing with at least 3-8 hours each day (I might not...