Recent content by Julien White

  1. Julien White

    I must go, will I be back? Maybe eventually.

    👋 Take care man
  2. Julien White


  3. Julien White

    Content Suggestion Make pistol variety more accessible

    sorry but... I feel special when I'm the only one able to access the S&W Model 29
  4. Julien White

    Alex Bones GM application [UK]

    It'll be denied, if it's not 50,000 words, perfectly formatted and are custom made wiki authed scps, then he just won't cut it.
  5. Julien White

    Why do people have so fancy signatures

    check dms
  6. Julien White

    Why do people have so fancy signatures

    your signature is awful btw
  7. Julien White

    Require Content team give reasons for denial

  8. Julien White

    Denied Remove CI and GOC

    Removing the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) and Chaos Insurgency (CI) from the Garry’s Mod (GMod) server Site 65 Civil Networks SCP can have several positive effects on gameplay, balance, and the overall community experience. Here are some key advantages: 1. Improved Roleplay Experience More...
  9. Julien White

    Synergy's GM Application

    You've confused the map change event with the actual server map itself, it means the server would be switched to another map, where, a large scale custom made event would take place Apart from that, the application itself is fine, some of the missions could include more detail, like the A1...
  10. Julien White

    Alex Bones GM application [UK]

    Great application, no complaints at all, a substantial improvement to the last one. Good work, - Julien White
  11. Julien White

    Im back guys!

    hey so there is this awesome guy called julien white and basically
  12. Julien White

    Is this normal?

  13. Julien White

    Denied Discord prefix being optional
