Recent content by KingViper115

  1. KingViper115

    SkyWing's staff blacklist appeal

    "fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me" aah demotion :skull: you are a good person and a good co but idk what you did as T-MOD (twice in a row for same reason apparently) so ima give +Neutral Goodluck.
  2. KingViper115

    Athena's GOC pac request

    +Support my rtx 4090 will still be chilling with this pac
  3. KingViper115

    (SCP-RP UK) Staff kick / demotion appeal

    hey broda im sorry that i was um.. "a bit heated"? (im not sure if thats the right word to use) , at that time the war was very heated and well.. it caused my lack of judgement to best me and in which both (i wont mention his name as he is SL now and he became better staff member now) and me at...
  4. KingViper115

    (SCP-RP UK) Staff kick / demotion appeal

    the thing is i did went beyond couple of times to show them i really am dedicated to towards staff work , but uh.... nothing has happened at one point there was a guy who spawned 300+ satchels in an attempt to crash the server , i caught them and they both got banned but the thing is almost all...
  5. KingViper115

    (SCP-RP UK) Staff kick / demotion appeal

    Name: KingViper115 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:57073741 Previous Rank (convert if required): Senior Moderator Who demoted you?: Luft or Jack Date of demotion?: 01/21/2024 What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK What is the case against you?: Sit Farming , breaking the...
  6. KingViper115

    CI Combative operative pac request

    PAC Requested (Which job): Commanding officer , Officer , strike team , and Delta operative Steam id: STEAM_0:1:57073741
  7. KingViper115

    (SCP-RP UK) so what happened with type-green inversion fix?

    @Auburn any comments about this?
  8. KingViper115

    (SCP-RP UK) so what happened with type-green inversion fix?

    So uh... what happened with type green fix inversion ability for him to gain hp?... has it been forgotten? or is content team being sleepy eppy :skull: , in 3 months from now it will considered an year ago accepted fix issue and yet no one bothered fixing this one issue...
  9. KingViper115

    Denied Type Blue Chef

    what the heelllllllllllllll :skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull:
  10. KingViper115

    Denied Give 860-2 Breach Behaviour

    +Support cannon this not cannot that , how about we just have some fun with more scps jobs.
  11. KingViper115

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

  12. KingViper115

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    +Support This makes sense and an actual healthy path , i would say keep ethics but if they are also needed to be removed then so be it. also this might cause for GOC to be more active so its a win-win
  13. KingViper115

    Denied Allow Character Deletion

    While yes that can work as well , this suggestion is mainly about the ability for people to manually delete their character if they want to with a click of a button.