Recent content by Levi

  1. Levi

    Erwin Smith's returnee app

    +support no explanation needed
  2. Levi

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - thelegolord

    -support just leave already
  3. Levi

    Kyzent's Returnee Application

    +Support god bless
  4. Levi

    Denied WITHDRAWN

  5. Levi

    Skyrics Returnee App

    +Support yes.
  6. Levi

    Denied Withdrawn

  7. Levi

    Accepted add vehicle damage/death logs

    +Support This would have been done ages ago if it was possible though?
  8. Levi

    Returnee Questions Thread

    Will CO/RC teams of regiments be asked about members who are transferring in before action is made?
  9. Levi

    Denied Withdraw

    +Support Well experienced on the server, definitely fit for this position
  10. Levi

    Accepted Returnee Application - Gela

    +Support Sad to see you leaving JAF for RMP however I believe you are very much a good candidate for an SNCO position in the regiment
  11. Levi

    Accepted Returnee Application - Jeff Carson

  12. Levi

    Accepted Wondys Application

    +Support Even if they don't give him COL, having him as a high rank 17th would be extremely beneficial for NATO