

Best former CI DELCOM
"You ain't nothing but a broke fein fein fein." - Jimmy swan
*insert fire emoji*
they/them & she/her ;3
CI-C DELCOM (Held)E-11 LCPL (Held)Nu7 CPL (Held)DEA Special Agent [AIU] (Held)
RMP SSGT (Held)CI-Delta (Holding)10thSD SWO (Held)UNGOC-C Lieutenant (Holding)

Foundation Name: Kazi 'Puppy' Winters / Ashe 'Puppy' Carr
CI Name: 'Lilith' / 'Yeezus'
GOC Name: Avery 'Lilith' Sinclaire

Character lore if you even care: CI Lore (Written by Niox) / DEA Lore (Written by Niox)/ GOC Lore (Written by Jack Raider)


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    CN Rookie (2 Months with CN)

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    CN Newbie (2 Weeks with CN)

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