Recent content by Mase

  1. Mase

    Name ideas for O5 council

    05-1 " The Civil "
  2. Mase

    [SCP-RP UK] Site Advisor( SA) Application: Darrel Sparks/Darell Junior

    I’m not taking about how you got denied for not having experience
  3. Mase

    [SCP-RP UK] Site Advisor( SA) Application: Darrel Sparks/Darell Junior

    - Support You have 0 CL4 Experience + you also applied for an assistant but did not get it. I suggest getting CL4 In GSD since you are a SGT +
  4. Mase

    Mase Lattes Second Discord Ban [With a twist] SCP

    Hey was wondering if this could be talked about or get a response. So if I look in patient it’s just I really want to get unbanned, also add mil rp aswell
  5. Mase

    [UK] Jay Brown's Consultant application.

    No but its a suggestion because the lore is a good aspect
  6. Mase

    [UK] Jay Brown's Consultant application.

    Natural Leaning towards +1 Now I love my funnys and we had a lot of them, But the lore needs some work. Take inspiration from other applications and then work on it then you would get a +1 from me
  7. Mase

    Accepted Kill Cams

    To be fair this is for SCP nor MRP
  8. Mase

    Accepted Kill Cams

    + Support Nothing to say
  9. Mase

    Good Lad. Cain :D

    Good Lad. Cain :D
  10. Mase

    Mase Lattes Attempt on the Ethics Committee Assistant [UK]

    As my parents made it, it is there’s but they have there owns as well
  11. Mase

    [SCP-RP UK] Ethics Committee Assistant (ECA) Application: Darrel Sparks/Darell Junior

    - Support I have not seen you at all Not really the best app
  12. Mase

    Denied Adding Region Specific discord roles

    Just let me cook I can do so :D
  13. Mase

    Mase Lattes Second Discord Ban [With a twist] SCP

    Your Discord name & tag: maselatte @Mase Latte What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 756249821278371941 Date of ban (if known): UNKNOWN Reason for ban (if known): Underage Who banned you?: UNKNOWN Prior to this, have...
  14. Mase

    MrGhost's second NHC application

    Now im not currently playing mil rp but - Support You have a lot of recent warns and you got banned for toxicity so yeah