Recent content by Max "Arcturus" Shephard

  1. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [US] Maxwell "Arcturus" Shepherd's Ethics Committee Member Application Part II

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E11 LCPL (Resigned), Executive Researcher (Resigned), Ethics Assistant Coordinator (Holding) and CI-A (Holding) Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None, because I try my best to stay out of trouble as best...
  2. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] "Peasant's" Ethics Committee Chairman Application

    +Support Similarly to my +Support on his ECM application, Peasant has always been pleasant and has always been really great to work with. Peasant has always listen to my concerns about certain situations and was always quick to respond.
  3. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] Mr. Dalton's Ethics Chairman Application Pt. 2

    +Major Support While I may have not been on site for very long, I have had the opportunity to work with Dalton many times in the past, even before becoming an ECA. Dalton shows excellent work ethics, and takes things very seriously and professionally. I have heard of the great work of Director...
  4. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] Scopes Site Advisor Application

    +Support Scopes is a great Admin, and is extremely helpful. While many don't like him due to his past, I believe he has made major improvements since then and is a wonderful person to work with both IC and OOC.
  5. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] James "Mapper" A's Site Advisor Application

    +Major Support I've seen Mapper's career start from an inspiring Junior Researcher to Executive, and now Ethics Assistants. His 914 cross test series was amazing to partake in, and assist him with his tests when I was present. This is one of the people I hope in the Site Director Position to...
  6. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] Pyro's Site Director Application

    +/- Support Let me start of by saying that in the few times I have interacted with Pyro, he has been respectful and had great and some funny conversations. I genuinely like Pyro as a SM and as a player in general. You've been in Site Administration for a while now, which is another good thing...
  7. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] Lunaro's Site Director Application

    +Major Support Lunaro is a great inspiration to many players that have come and gone into the site. I feel as if they have a really good opportunity to lead the site in an efficient manner and assist all of the departments to make great quality of life changes, similarly to how she made great...
  8. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] Rainer's ECA Application

    +Support I have known this man since day one of being on site, and was the first person I interacted with on a foundation role. This man has done a lot of great work in both the research department, and IA as an Ambassador. Rainer would definitely make a great addition to the team.
  9. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] Derek White's Site Administration Application

    +Support Derek has always been a pleasant person to work with over the past month I've known him as an OSA.
  10. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] Walter Unrich Ethics Application

    +Major Support This guy has always been pleasant to work with, and has been around for a very long time.
  11. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    Kylie Ringer's ECM Application

    +Support Overall, I believe that you would make a decent member of Ethics. However, I would recommend picking up activity alot more if you are wanting to become a member of ethics.
  12. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [USA] Rainer Ambassador Application

    +Support This guy does huge work in IA. Definitely is going to be going places.
  13. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    [US] Maxwell "Arcturus" Shepherd's Ethics Committee Member Application

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E11 LCPL (Holding), Executive Researcher (Holding) and Ethics Assistant (Holding) Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None, and I have not planned on doing anything to receive any. What Ethics Committee...
  14. Max "Arcturus" Shephard

    Jambo's Ethics Member Application

    +Support Great O1 Commander. Would be a great addition to the Committee.