Name: micky 'Hellcat'
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:580763361
Previous Rank: Head Moderator
Date of resignation?: 26/02/24
Why did you resign? I got bored of the server and just didn't enjoy it any more at the time
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: No
Have you ever been...
- Good interactions
- Friendly
- Good Vtime
- Application could be longer
I stand by the +support but i encourage you to make your application longer
Suggestion Denied
Hello @MLGMagicHoodini, Your suggestion has been denied as doing this would take up a lot of time and it would take up space on the server
which would only be used half the time.
Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion
Suggestion Accepted
Hello @Toni, Your suggestion has been accepted but instead of another job being made it will be added to the current sapper.
Thank you for taking the time to make the suggestion
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Supergoalie8 ,
Your suggestion has been denied.
We have denied this suggestion because ER already has a job with RPGS and the assault one has nothing new or special that is really different other than having a shotgun
Straight made a suggestion based on his own opinion on what he feels should be changed and unless you have a valid reason to -support then don't reply to a suggestion
Suggestion Denied
Hi @MLGMagicHoodini , Your suggestion has been denied. This would cause a lot of problems with other players and the kill feed shows the weapon being held not the one that was used to kill so it would make false reports more common.
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Skyric , Your suggestion has been denied, this is because we have deemed it unnecessary and is already quite strong, Thank you for taking your time to make this suggestion.
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