Recent content by Mikheali

  1. Mikheali

    Stop the chat spam and slight improvements to new player experience

    -Support KGB lacking massive rn
  2. Mikheali

    Denied Realistic Food dynamics

  3. Mikheali

    Denied Realistic Food dynamics

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This change makes it that at the USSR Food vendor the food will only be restocked every 5 minutes rather than every minute Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Nah Possible Positives of the...
  4. Mikheali

    Accepted add vehicle damage/death logs

    -Support Ruins MRDM smh
  5. Mikheali

    Denied End Campaigns after a 100 Point difference

    +Support More base raids more fun
  6. Mikheali

    Accepted Adding a limit for medic drone on the Jugg/flamer

    +Support drone overrated af
  7. Mikheali

    Mikhealis butter 5 rubel, bulk purchase may give Discount

    Yeah I am going out of Business aint nobody buying my butter
  8. Mikheali

    Accepted Huge changes to peacetime

    +Support too much to read I like the base concept keep it up👍
  9. Mikheali

    Denied Discord rank Icons

    +Support Nice Feature would Support the same for teamspeak
  10. Mikheali

    Accepted CSB + ER Merge

    +Support Ws in the chat
  11. Mikheali

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Frank Sinatra

    Your in-game name: Frank Sinatra Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:550434152 Ban Reason: RDM(class X) Date of ban: 12/24/2024 Who banned you: Lollingmonster Ban length: 7 days What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will not RDM People under no circumstance if it ruins the Gameplay or...
  12. Mikheali

    Dominic goodbye Civil gamers

    Farewell, gonna miss you taking away my licenses
  13. Mikheali

    Accepted Add Vehicle Repair tool to 10thSD Mechanic Job

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It adds the Vehicle Repair tool to the 10thSD Mechanic Job Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Obviously not Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): More realistic rp, wdym positives it...
  14. Mikheali

    Denied Add a Battlepass to MRP