Recent content by Mr Cum

  1. Mr Cum

    Stop the chat spam and slight improvements to new player experience

    Even with chromium and a decent PC it performs like ass
  2. Mr Cum

    Content Suggestion Nerf LMGs

  3. Mr Cum

    Denied Realistic Food dynamics

    this will add nothing, joke suggestion im sure.
  4. Mr Cum

    Wondys Application

    dont leave ussr....
  5. Mr Cum

    Kenan's HC Application

    we are so back
  6. Mr Cum

    Content Suggestion Lock out Alternative wars after one has been triggered

    local recentWars = {} local lockoutDuration = 2 function triggerWar(warType) if isLockedOut(warType) then print(warType .. " is currently locked out.") return false end table.insert(recentWars, 1, {type = warType, countdown = lockoutDuration}) -- Option 1: Lock all alternative...
  7. Mr Cum

    Content Suggestion Lock out Alternative wars after one has been triggered

    Today there were very few conquest wars. Personally, and I believe many others agree, Capture the Flag (CTF) and Search & Destroy (S&D) modes tend to be less engaging as regular war types. While they can be enjoyable occasionally, they currently trigger too frequently. Hot Paths is another mode...
  8. Mr Cum

    Accepted Remove Deployable Shield usage outside of bases/During war

    Is it actually impossible to see someone head glitching a shield in a lot of place , It has been very noticeable on highlands. if RMP and KGB insist on keeping the shield let me AT4 it
  9. Mr Cum

    Denied New War Type - [Guardian War]

    it is a cool concept, its just i feel this will be frustrating to play. just remove S&D :steamhappy:
  10. Mr Cum

    Accepted Outnumbered war balancing / job buff

    Fair enough, I kinda glossed over the sniper bit, perhaps there could be a unit of red guards and 3940, perhaps a autoriflemen, sniper and/demolition roles with the increased health (Perhaps less cap like 3-4 people). still with CS aswell though
  11. Mr Cum

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Gremanik

    i literally do not know who you are
  12. Mr Cum

    Accepted Outnumbered war balancing / job buff

    Cool idea, but i don't think it'll do all that much in order to actually give the outnumbered any advantage, it'd be a cool idea if the top 5 ranks or mastery got the ability to spawn on these jobs with CS (perhaps 250?) this would make the idea a bit more impactful. Genuinely curious to hear...
  13. Mr Cum

    Denied Remove/Change ISAF/SHA Infantry Regiment

    While I agree with you, and I preferred the old system, JackG mentioned there will be some changes to the system and the trainee training, perhaps we should give these changes a chance (when and if they get implemented, who knows) and evaluate after that has happened.