Recent content by Mr Wonderfool

  1. Mr Wonderfool

    Kyzent's Returnee Application

    +support sound as a pound fella knows what’s up
  2. Mr Wonderfool

    Gene rmp returnee app

    +support this guy was the goat in kgb 12th sob?
  3. Mr Wonderfool

    Bobby1 Application

    +support sound as a pound prior experience knows what he’s on about would be a good fit for the role
  4. Mr Wonderfool

    Content Suggestion Nerf LMGs

    saw this and came to -support rapid
  5. Mr Wonderfool

    Oceanus' Returnee Application

    -support crashout of the century
  6. Mr Wonderfool

    Wondys Application

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:121635284 Discord name:mosquelover69_19579 For how long have you played on MRP:since beta Are you a returning player?: i am currently playing but have returned several times with rank skips to help regiments If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: NATO name...
  7. Mr Wonderfool

    Kenan's HC Application

    +support i love this guy however this man cannot leave us for hc 😔😔
  8. Mr Wonderfool

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - 'Gonzallez'

    +support goated with the sauce known this fella since like 2008
  9. Mr Wonderfool

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Kenan Kurt

    + support this guys knows what’s up…
  10. Mr Wonderfool

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - Mr Wonderfool

    Your Username: Mr Wonderfool Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121635284 Discord Username: mosquelover69_15979 Age: 19 What's your current playtime: unsure of current playtime but i’ve been on and off mrp since release. got to uhc and various reg command positions also previously staff on CC...
  11. Mr Wonderfool

    Accepted Outnumbered war balancing / job buff

    i give this a thumbs up
  12. Mr Wonderfool

    Hamood's UHC Application

    i love this guy +rep :love::love::love:
  13. Mr Wonderfool

    Pacino MacTavish's Second NHC Application

    =netural better than jason m never seen lead strong appilcation
  14. Mr Wonderfool

    Do you guys prefer organges or pears?

    I think hamburgers and cheese burgers work well with fries
  15. Mr Wonderfool

    Dr TailSkipper NHC Application?!

    +support friendly dude has had experience in regimental command positions so this could be a good step for nato active competent