Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

The information in the website above is false, don't believe what they want you to.


MTF Positions:
- MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") COM Nate Mercer [Current]

- MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine Tailed Fox") LT Nate Mercer [Former]
- MTF Omega-1 ("Laws Left Hand") LCPL "Phoenix" [Former]

Foundation Staff:
- Chief of Security Nate Mercer [Former]
- Executive Researcher Nate Mercer [Former]

- External Affairs Special Agent Nate Mercer [Former]

Chaos Insurgency:
- CI-C (“Should Intermittent Vengeance Arm Again His Red Right Hand To Plague Us”) COM 'Tactician' [Former]
- Sierra-7 Divisional Company Lead/Founder [Former]

- SCP-096 ("Shy Guy") [Current]

Civil Networks:
- SCP-RP Trial Gamemaster [Former]


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