Recent content by Nikita Dorashov

  1. Nikita Dorashov

    Sideswipe's 2nd NHC Application

    -Support Couldn't agree more.
  2. Nikita Dorashov

    Rainbow Dash's SSHC Application

    +Support I hope he doesn't get the chance to fly. And I still want my knife buddy...
  3. Nikita Dorashov

    Aleems SSHC Application

    +Support +Very active +Friendly interactions +Overall good guy... Please return SSHC to this man
  4. Nikita Dorashov

    Nikita Dorashov SSHC Application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55515285 Discord name: plzkillme. For how long have you played on MRP: Almost for 3 years Age: 18 In what country are you located?: Latvia Time zone: GMT+3 NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF PVT Ethen Dorashov USSR name...
  5. Nikita Dorashov

    Kevin Anderson's Moderator Application

    +Support +Active IG/TS3 +Friendly and approachable +Best 40th MR member :DDDD Good luck!!!
  6. Nikita Dorashov

    Accepted Add the CQ300 Lynx to the Gun Skin System

    +support please....
  7. Nikita Dorashov

    Denied Pilot & Co-pilot license

    + support
  8. Nikita Dorashov

    Nikita Dorashov Resignation Appeal

    Name: Nikita Dorashov Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55515285 Previous Rank: Administrator Date of resignation?: 26/06/22 Why did you resign? At first, I had trouble with my electricity and I couldn't play for a while but I kinda realized I was failing in my classes so I decided to resign immediately...
  9. Nikita Dorashov

    Denied Restock helis on bugged stingers

    -Support I would say this shouldn't be a thing but stingers even in realistic terms don't even allow the pilots to dodge the stingers as in the game some UAF or SWB pilot is just gonna take his mouse and spin around to dodge it **Might have changed depending on reducing lag update** Anyways...
  10. Nikita Dorashov

    Sahns Resignation Post

    I would have a lot of things to say to you but it's quite too much. I have never met a nice guy and a lazy one <- but it was the best time I think we had when we were HMODs and I quite of rival friendship we had, the events we made were quite nice when we made lore for the events. ( I gave...
  11. Nikita Dorashov

    A Final Farewell - and Thank You

    First time replying to an actual forum post and I have never felt this emotional. legend o7
  12. Nikita Dorashov

    Gela is great staff!!!!!

    True I hate @Gela as well
  13. Nikita Dorashov

    vlad the comunist ban appeal

    Appeal Accepted Hi Vlad, Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. I've decided to accept your ban appeal and reduce your ban to five days, from what I've seen and been told you were congratulating on victory and threw an explosive at your allies, next time tend to not use explosives...
  14. Nikita Dorashov

    Mart's ban appeal

    Appeal Accepted Hi Mart, Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. Having reviewed the evidence provided and the overall scenario with other Platform Team Members, I have come to the decision to lift your ban as understandably there was a glitch going on with the C4, and further you...
  15. Nikita Dorashov

    Dmitri Yazov (Adamsov) Resignation Appeal

    +Support I am just gonna say that you were the most dedicated staff member I've seen hope to see you soon on the staff team again! And of course the most known milk chugger in the USSR! Good Luck! Nikita