
Aimee, Julien, Aki, Oculus, Poli, Richard, Jam, Kayla, Bill, Frenchie, Toomas and Solaz are all legends.


Holding Roles:
Held Roles:
-CI Major Commander-CI Lieutenant Commander
-MRU Squadron Lead-CI Major Commander
-Combat Medic Manager-Sierra 7 Company Lead & MRU Squadron Lead (x2)
-Alpha-1 Corporal-ASU Surgical Lead, MRU R&D Director & MRU R&D Supervisor (Different R&D's)
-Game Master-Medical Consultant
-Forum Goblin-Advanced Combat Medic-1 & Specialised Medical Unit-1
-Alpha-1 LCPL, CPL & SGT
-E11 CPL & CSG
-USSR 10th SGT
Inventor of the t joke.
We don't talk about the French.
"History isn't written by the winners, it's written by the writers" -


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    Beyond Ventz (2 Years with CN)

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    1 Year and many more to come...

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    CN Rookie (2 Months with CN)

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