Recent content by Noble_

  1. Noble_

    [UK] The Gregory Steven's Site Advisor Application

    +Support Best OSA to bless site 65
  2. Noble_

    Guess I'm playing again

    Get this man into a position of power immediately ( Remove GOC)
  3. Noble_

    take care stinkers.

  4. Noble_

    Cheesy is going..

    Don't get my hopes up like that
  5. Noble_

    [UK] O5-1 "The Chimera"

    Cook for us. +Support
  6. Noble_

    Which Regiment is more Auraful? O-1 or A-1 [UK]

    This is why we can't have nice things -17 aura to A-1
  7. Noble_

    Which Regiment is more Auraful? O-1 or A-1 [UK]

    -8 Aura for @'Corbin' asking for an A-1 pac *
  8. Noble_

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - .teddy

    +Support - Would make a good GM
  9. Noble_

    [UK] James Dingle's ECA Appllication

  10. Noble_

    Cain Morris's 1st DoIS Application

    +Support Good lad
  11. Noble_

    [UK] Malia's OSA Application

    Do NOT let Malia get an OSA slot
  12. Noble_

    [UK] SCP RP Wrath's Demotion Appeal

    +Support - One of the most professional players on the server and was a great staff member
  13. Noble_

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - James Dingle

    Give this man trial mod +support