Recent content by NotTuga

  1. NotTuga

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - thelegolord

    Hello @thelegolord Thank you for taking time to make an application, however we encourage you to get more familiarised within the Server/Community and increase your activity before applying for staff, therefore your application is being denied but don't let this discourage you. Re-Apply in 2...
  2. NotTuga

    [MRP] Anakins NHC App

    Big +Support First of all NHC need someone who has had to deal with this situation which anakin has dealt with before and he made it good and brought nwo back to a good state, his got the skills and the brain for the work. In all honesty he should be accepted.
  3. NotTuga

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - matz

    Hello @matz25 Thank you for taking time to make an application, however we encourage you to get more familiarised within the Server/Community before applying for staff, therefore your application is being denied but don't let this discourage you. Re-Apply in 2 Weeks
  4. NotTuga

    Accepted Remove Deployable Shield usage outside of bases/During war

    Hello Jason, what if the shield gets removed and RMP/KGB get a stinger aswell or a grapple hook or something like that?
  5. NotTuga

    Denied New War Type - [Guardian War]

    Replying to both, what if the point was captured by the damage you do inside of the specific point?
  6. NotTuga

    Accepted Remove Deployable Shield usage outside of bases/During war

    -Support Hello Jason, like Gene said RMP/KGB don't get much other equipment to use during wars or outside of base and the shields are basically the one thing we get but using shields is fine only thing that isn't allowed as SA have said is when someone is using a deployable shield its should be...
  7. NotTuga

    Denied New War Type - [Guardian War]

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Name of war: Guardian War Guardian war is a fast-paced war where two factions battle to protect their most important members, 1 to 3 VIPs would be selected depending on server pop per team. At the same time, they each side must go on the offensive...
  8. NotTuga

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Aki

    +support Great person and great fit for Staff but hopefully you don't get burnt out brother
  9. NotTuga

    Accepted SIS/Raiding Party changes.

  10. NotTuga

    Accepted Outnumbered war balancing / job buff

    Big +support this could essentially bring more balance to when a side is at a big disadvantage in numbers during a war.
  11. NotTuga

    Denied Remove/Change ISAF/SHA Infantry Regiment

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Revote back to how it was without Infantry Regiments. At the moment I see it being too much stress for people and regiments and disadvantage to certain regiments such as RMP/KGB or SAS/AG, a lot of new players do a war and leave or they just join the...
  12. NotTuga

    Partially Accepted Bring back Megabases on 'Highlands' with (Retouched places)

    ~EDIT~ I know we Don't Have a mapper but this could still go into a Hold or into consideration till we get a mapper so please don't come at me. :)
  13. NotTuga

    Partially Accepted Bring back Megabases on 'Highlands' with (Retouched places)

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion is to bring back Highland's Megabases with new designs and retouched entrances. The megabases we're fine apart from the entrances, the base on the side of NWO used to be too high and it has to be lowered to ground level so there is no...
  14. NotTuga

    Accepted Huge changes to peacetime

    +Support Honestly I don't know how people have suggested this awhile ago, this could not even be a little change this will be a big change without having to move a lot and obviously it will be work on developers but of course there needs to be work for devs to make the server better, I haven't...
  15. NotTuga

    Denied Discord rank Icons

    +Support Makes it look much better and clean