Recent content by Owl Hootingson

  1. Owl Hootingson

    Denied Change to previous Logo

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: [Change back to the previous logo with the bird] Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): [it's a classic and recognisable logo that is good and draws peoples attention in.] Possible Negatives of the suggestion: [The people who made the...
  2. Owl Hootingson

    Denied Move suggestions back to Discord

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: [Move the suggestions back to disccord as it were] Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): [Listen to the community as the suggestion to move it was hugley downvoted and disliked] Possible Negatives of the suggestion: [Some may dislike...
  3. Owl Hootingson

    Jacub's NHC Application

    +Support +mature +Active and dedicated +Fair and just +/- Good with tactics during discussion, but never seen you lead -Is Swedish ;> Good luck bud!
  4. Owl Hootingson

    Dr Drew's NHC application

    Neutral +Active +Mature +/-Application is a bit messy not big a deal -Never seen you lead Comment: I think as a 1LT you can still take iniative even if NHC is active to lead war and you should maybe explore SAS SCO first.
  5. Owl Hootingson

    Jimothy Leaderson's 2nd NHC Application

    -Support -You are very mingey -You've not used tactics of any kind as far as i've seen -Lack of strenghts in application -I do not think you are mature enough for NHC ---------------------------- +Friendly +Active +Commited to JAF
  6. Owl Hootingson

    Mr Doofy's NHC Application

    +Support +Great leadership +Mature +Great war leading capabilities +Great learner +Strickt when needed to +Can make calm rational decisions when under stress +Good application +/- Would suck to lose such a good MAJ
  7. Owl Hootingson

    Kite's Gamemaster Application

    +Support +Good event ideas +He's very strict and get's things done +Good Application +Creative +Plans beforehand +Mature +/- Might have less time for ISAF :bias emote:
  8. Owl Hootingson

    Vamp's NHC Application

    +Support +Active +Friendly and approachable +Mature +exstremly good at taking initiative +Good at teaming up with other regiments -Not seen lead a war #GIVESCOCUFFS
  9. Owl Hootingson

    Dukem's NHC App

    +Support +Active +Friendly and approachable +Mature +Good war leading +Scandinavian +exstremly good at taking initiative +Strickt when needed +/- Lack of war leading, but good when he does. -Many warn/kick
  10. Owl Hootingson

    30K's NHC Application: Attempt #2

    +Support +Mature +Helpfull +Can take crtitsim +Nice application +/- Good leader, but could use a bit more tactics during leadership
  11. Owl Hootingson

    ISAF MAJ Spoopi NHC Application

    +Support ------------ +Very active +Great leader +Has leading war experience +Been on the server for a long time +That application tho ? ------------- -Many warnings
  12. Owl Hootingson

    30K's NHC Application

    +Support +Mature +Helpfull +Can take crtitsim +That application tho ? ------------------------ -Never seen lead ------------------------ Good luck 30k
  13. Owl Hootingson

    RMP CPT Athena NHC Application

    Big + Support +Has great leader capabilities +Uses great tatics during war +Active +Always want to improve +Always takes initiative Good luck athena ?
  14. Owl Hootingson

    Connor H NHC application

    +/- Neutral +Mature and active -Not seen lead a War
  15. Owl Hootingson

    Chad Power´s UHC Application

    +support +Mature +Friendly +Was a good isaf member