Recent content by parish5072

  1. parish5072

    [USA] 'Lawman' Dredd's DoISD Return

    i love dredd +support
  2. parish5072

    PAC Request USA Sven "Nebula" Pac

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): Inspector ISD Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:442052524 weapons and cuffs come off the body when equipped Lore: after serving in the Canadian Mounties for 10 years he was invited to police the site of site 65, due to his skills as a detective and police...
  3. parish5072

    Sven Robertson Inspector App

    wrong person lol
  4. parish5072

    [USA] Kennedy Wilsons 2nd Site Advisor Application

    +support Give her the job already
  5. parish5072

    [USA] Rem's Inspector Application

    Natural support: +Support: you're a cool person and can do good work, pretty nice to work with. -Support: I've seen you power trip and be unprofessional a few times. you seem to hold grudges and have a sense of some people are against you. id love to be a inspector with you, and i have no major...
  6. parish5072

    Sven Robertson Inspector App

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:442052524 Discord name: _parish_ For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 months Age: 21 In what country are you located?: Canada Time zone: EST+1 Character name(s): Sven Robertson Civilian name: Marshall Carter John What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP...
  7. parish5072

    [USA] ISD Inspector application

    +support Good investigator can’t tell what he says 70% of the time though.
  8. parish5072

    PAC Request Pac Approval

    The Idea for the Character is to be a "cousin or family member of Doug Dimmadome" the hat can be shrunk if needed but the hat has always been tall. i feel like the hat isnt to tall but i can shrink it if needed. PAC Requested (Which job): Researcher+Thaumalogist Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:442052524...