Recent content by parker

  1. parker

    Denied New War Type - [Guardian War]

    -support Heli's and tanks would ruin this gamemode, and if jaf/abt/10th/17th have to go on all ground, it will kill the 2 regiments
  2. parker

    Denied Adding colours to Regs

    Rmp would have red, one of their main colours
  3. parker

    Accepted Outnumbered war balancing / job buff

    +support gene said yes
  4. parker

    Accepted Add back Text to voice lines

    +support THE HAX!!!!!!
  5. parker

    Denied striker Mgs able to fearrp armoured vehicles without explosives

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Striker able to fearrp non armoured vehicles without explosives: e.g. Boxers, normal btr, MATV, and normal striker, some examples of things that cant be fearrp by it: Tanks, Puma, lav-25 (as it has explosives) basically anything that has an explosive...
  6. parker

    Jonny Crook's appeal

    +support :freeze: might as well give him super admin while your there
  7. parker

    Accepted Adding a limit for medic drone on the Jugg/flamer

    if this situation happens, then drones are useless to abt, we only have 1 gun drone (which is completely ass) and a transport drone that is only useful for transporting tac's
  8. parker

    Accepted Adding a limit for medic drone on the Jugg/flamer

    -support, kill the medic drone, and then push with another jug/vehicle
  9. parker

    Accepted CSB + ER Merge

    +Support this suggestion is perfect
  10. parker

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Archiee

    +support, i agree with what james said, get better at flying, and dont rage :freeze:
  11. parker

    MrGhost's fourth NATO High Command Application

    Hey Mr ghost, Id like you as nhc BUT I would like to see a bit more of a improvement of your anger, You normally blame it on other people for a shit led war, if this improves ill change my -support to a +support, Unforantly currently your on a -support because of this.
  12. parker

    Accepted New charms

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: New charms to MRP Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Nope nothing like this has been suggested, i feel as a competition should be hosted of the best designed charm made Possible Positives of the...
  13. parker

    Denied Temp perma weapons

    +support, Feel as newer people can find new meta's without paying extreme amounts of IRL money, Or ingame cash, good to test weapons IMO
  14. parker

    Accepted Bomb Drone's, During base raids

    -support, use jammers theres ways you can counter them for a reason, they arent allowed to drone inside their own bunks so just find where they are and shoot them, or follow where their drone comes out