Recent content by Plum

  1. Plum

    OSA USA billy bob Didn't know bro aging in reverse....
  2. Plum

    Accepted Make 500 "inject-able" upon other players

    +Support The only problem I see with this is when you cuff a 008 instance sometimes it bugs and makes all other 008 instances immune to any damage as if they were in cuffs. Other than that it would be a good way to combat 008 other than trying to kill all of them and praying some tech expert...
  3. Plum

    Denied DEA loadout change/Slight Addition

    +Support I want to -support this cause you're trying to steal EBR, but VAL is really bad and DEA needs a decent weapon to fight GOIs. Also the pullout animation can just be fixed by Devs.
  4. Plum

    [USA] Andreas/Lucas ECM Application

    -SUPPORT There is not a color of red dark enough to express how much I -Support this. Never once have I had a enjoyable interaction with him. ETHICS HEAR ME!!! I JUST RESURRECTED PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME CRAWL BACK INTO MY GRAVE!!! BANISH THIS DEMON FROM OUR SACRED REALM!!!! I HAVE STATED I AM GOOD...
  5. Plum

    A1 Have too much power with no accountability.

    Just based off this clip, you can clearly see the conical flasks on the ground. He was clearly doing a sampling and you on your own accord put yourself into 106 to try to escape most likely. Cover ups are apart of both Omega-1's and Alpha-1's job as we do things that should not be spoken of by...
  6. Plum

    [USA] Sky Johnson's OSA Application

    +Support Is a consultant, but not that bad.
  7. Plum

    [USA] Morningstar OSA Application

    - Support Who?
  8. Plum

    [USA] Saturn "Yoyos' OSA Application

    +/- Support I've been told you tend to look down on people when you have power over them. If you get this position I would have concerns you would do that. I wish you the best of luck and if you get chosen please keep that in mind.
  9. Plum

    [USA] Sammy Peppers Overseer Assistant Application

    -Support I don't think you'd be a good fit for OSA.
  10. Plum

    [USA] Kennedy Wilsons 2nd Site Advisor Application

    + Support Is great at creating RP for their department and managing the internal workings of ISD. Would be great to see them move up.
  11. Plum

    [USA] Strekel 'Sentinel' Kosnykov ECM Application

    +Support You're not a bad guy, but this makes more sense
  12. Plum

    [SCP-RP USA] O5-4 "The Veteran"

    +Support There is not a color green of green bright enough to express how much I +Support this. I have only had enjoyable interactions with him. O5 HEAR ME!!! PLEASE LET THIS MAN LARP, ALPHA-1 HAS BEEN REVIVED DONT LET THESE OTHER PEOPLE KILL IT!!! SEND THIS MAN INTO THE SACRED DOMAIN OF FLOOR 3...
  13. Plum

    [SCP-RP USA] O5-4 "The informant"

    -Support Is an ECA. Also is not evil.
  14. Plum

    [SCP-RP USA] O5-4 'The Codex'
