Recent content by Prplex

  1. Prplex

    (Uk) Odysseus Demotion appeal

    I would say this might be more worth your time since appeals usually come with a reduction in staff rank anyway, not always,but often
  2. Prplex

    Keddy's OSA Application <UK>

    -Support Seem somewhat new compared to other osas/No whitelisted roles Application is okay Understanding of duties is okay but your lack of server experience is pointed out by the fact you've said AA is for Commissioned officer us instead of nco plus, if it was CO plus you wouldn't need to...
  3. Prplex

    Violet SCP-22415 Application [ UK ]

  4. Prplex

    Content Suggestion Removal of Nu7 Medic and replace it with combat medics

    =Support Remove medical dpt and add first aid training instead
  5. Prplex

    [UK] Saul's O5-1 Application

    +Support fits the role probably
  6. Prplex

    Content Suggestion Remove Site Command and ISD

    but what if the people don't leave? where would you have them leave to?
  7. Prplex

    Content Suggestion Remove Site Command and ISD

    my main thought is if this was hypothetically passed what role would i transfer to if the MTF CO slots are full. Brings up other potential issues imo
  8. Prplex

    Content Suggestion Remove Site Command and ISD

    On a real note tho it sounds like some of you would enjoy site 9 much more from the sounds of it
  9. Prplex

    Content Suggestion Remove Site Command and ISD

    Only if I can transfer to Tau 5 LT 🙏
  10. Prplex

    Alisson Dear's OSA "Alexithymia" Application [UK]

    +/- Support leaning towards -Support Had mixed experiences with you, very trigger happy and mixed attitude when it comes to in game and rp
  11. Prplex

    [UK] Noe's Staff Application

    +Support Good application Past experience No recent warnings Something to consider is do you have time for the staff reqs
  12. Prplex

    Verlocity's Staff Application [UK]

    +Support Good application A few decent interactions Experience on the server No recent warns
  13. Prplex

    (UK) harrison Moderator application

    -Support Low overall playtime Application lacking Some parts missing info or not answering the question The part about none within the last two weeks and your low time played implies you do have active warnings I would advise you get a bit more accustomed to the server before applying and as...
  14. Prplex

    forgor to make one of these

  15. Prplex

    [UK] Cain's SMOD Resignation Appeal

    +support Shouldn't have resigned in the first place silly