Recent content by "Raven"

  1. "Raven"

    SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - 'Raven'

    Thank you for the feedback and I'll reach out to you soon about GM stuff. The reason i predetermined stuff was because i thought you guys would of liked to know what happened not just left on a cliffhanger. Like said IDK much about SCP Lore which i need to read on, IDK what the most powerful SCP...
  2. "Raven"

    SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - 'Raven'

    Im not trying to bump my app or anything, i just want to reply that. I realize my stuff was mostly raid but if i get TGM i will definitely think of different stuff and the map changes event, I don't really know the abilities of Game Master so I tried something that doesnt seem like it was from...
  3. "Raven"

    Jay Rowling's Request to Transfer to the Ethics Committee..? [USA]

    +Support Bro did NOT have enough sunpoints for the peashooter
  4. "Raven"

    [SCP-RP USA] John Nohacks OSA

    +Support Nohacks Trials when?
  5. "Raven"

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - ingame: Pyroe (main)

    Huge -Support. I feel he isn't trustworthy with mod
  6. "Raven"

    SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - 'Raven'

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA) Your Username: 'Raven' Your SteamID: :STEAM_0:0:672915894 Discord Username: _d3lorean_ Age: 16...
  7. "Raven"

    [USA] Fanta's Ethics Member Application

    +Support Fish Bowl
  8. "Raven"

    [USA] Sammy Peppers Overseer Assistant Application

    +Support The Best consultant/DoM I had when i was in Medical as CM. One of the nicest people I know
  9. "Raven"

    [USA] Samantha 'Obake' Smalls Site Advisor Application

    +Support W Commander while she was in NU-7. Good fit for Site Administration but you might want to keep at least 3 guards on her at all times. For safety reasons not because she a "kidnapped simulator"
  10. "Raven"

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - James Crowley

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA) Your in-game name: James Crowley Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:672915894 Ban Reason: LTARP|STACKED BANS (A) Date of ban: December 20th, 2024 Who banned you: Kayla Knox Ban length: 2 days What will you do to stop this from happening again: I won't...
  11. "Raven"

    (USA) Pac 3 Request

    The Idea of this Pac is what if my character was a survivor of a zombie apocalypse and while he was surviving. He got half his face torn off by a zombie and he hides it with a mask PAC Requesting Approval The Pac is 24 KB PAC Requested (Which job): Combat Medic Steam ID :STEAM_0:0:672915894
  12. "Raven"

    [USA] Kennedy Wilson's Director of Internal Security Application

    +SUPPORT another chill isd i don't mind Kennedy if she get this
  13. "Raven"

    [USA] Ikaros "Siri" DOIS Director Application

    +Support Chillest isd member