Recent content by Recron

  1. Recron

    Bigger surface

    +/- Support I think it's big enough, just rework pinewood and maybe the hills a little.
  2. Recron

    Partially Accepted Let D-Class have a way to Access Level-3 cards or TE-5s (for like the trains area)

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: 1. Add a Level-3 keycard to the occasional gun stocks or 2. Make TE-5s Level-2 access (maybe for even the D-Block dispenser only) Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not that I am aware of Possible...
  3. Recron

    [USA] ISD Inspector Application

    -/+ Support Well saying -/+ doesn't necessarily help, so I'll help you out with some feedback from what I say. -: > Try making application a little bit longer. > Try being a little less rude or "serious" in a way of lashing out at people. (it's a game to have fun still) +: > Active and...
  4. Recron

    Alpha'Bongo'Alvin's Executive Researcher application

    + Support Yes, while I have seen him minge, that doesn't change that he is actually pretty active on researcher. Maybe getting a position they actually care about will change them to be a little more serious.
  5. Recron

    [USA] Daniel Bob Executive Researcher Application

    +Support Great E-11 and researcher!
  6. Recron

    Rui "Rudy" Mercer DoEA Application (USA)

    - Support Annoying ahh field agent sniper sweat Jk, + Support!
  7. Recron

    What is your favorite SCP Universe group ish, like Serpent's Hand, GOC, CI etc.

    Children of the Scarlet King Lore Accurate O5 Council Sarkic Cults
  8. Recron

    [USA] Chub D. Teach Site Advisor Application

    +Support Awesome major.
  9. Recron

    Sven 'Nightwing' Eriksson's 1st Captain Application [USA]

    +Support I don't care that he was a minge on the UK server, he is a great and very serious RPer on the USA server. He would be an awesome addition, and is one of the few fellow serious RPers on here. I urge you to reconsider!
  10. Recron

    [SCP-RP UK] Corz 'Governor' Niflhel Ethics Committee Member Application

    +Support I ain't even play the UK server, I just randomly clicked on this but this application is fire. Good luck!
  11. Recron

    [USA] Asmodeus's Ethics Committee Application

    +Support Awesome dude, I see him on a lot and one of the first Site Admins I interacted with.
  12. Recron

    Puma's Internal Inspector Application

    +Support same pfp on my steam account, gotta support an scp sl brother