Recent content by Red Gardna

  1. Red Gardna

    el zapso SC application

    +support -good activity -knowledgeable -experienced -good leader -kicked mrghost (he was scared of mrghosts power)
  2. Red Gardna


    never got to major ? Always inferior to me I'd say I'm gonna miss you but I'll still see you anyway lol
  3. Red Gardna

    Denied Bring back cheesing

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It let's me say 'sometimes I dream about cheese' when I talk about cheese ? Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): . Improves my immersion . Makes debriefs more interesting Possible Negatives of the suggestion: . None Based on the...
  4. Red Gardna

    who was the better co

    M0ka is the best co ever in mrp, you're just jealous you never got the m0ka medal
  5. Red Gardna

    who was the better co

    M0ka carried 10th, who even is this zapso guy I bet he was a shit co tho
  6. Red Gardna

    SC Application

    +++++support +mature +fun guy +encourages role play Valery, ever since day 1 we've got along and every day when I jump on gmod and see you working hard to enforce roleplay and make aor the best regiment it can be, although I may be a little bias since I've been very close friends with you...
  7. Red Gardna

    Toms UHC/SC Application

    + support + fun guy + active + mature - never seen lead a war
  8. Red Gardna

    Dimitri parkov's UHC Application

    +support +fun person +good leader +ALOT of experience +better in tanks then kenan one of my favourite people on the server and still fun without being a minge
  9. Red Gardna

    Kenan's UHC Application

    +Support I think you have good leadership skills but like you said you can be quite strict when you're annoyed but I still think you'd be a good member of UHC