RedMann's latest activity

  • RedMann
    RedMann replied to the thread bye.
    shout out to those low lives of civil networks who dont have anything better to do with their miserable lives!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️ you cunts are...
  • RedMann
    RedMann replied to the thread bye bye.
    dont be snarky and rude where it's not needed, if you dont want to say goodbye to this gentlemen then simply scroll past his post...
  • RedMann
    RedMann replied to the thread Stay safe during storm.
    why dont you stop being such a fucking kill joy anyways stay safe too connor good man yourself
  • RedMann
    RedMann replied to the thread Archangel's Goodbye.
    Still have your shoes 😬
  • RedMann
    RedMann replied to the thread Cheesy is going...
    got excited for a minute
  • RedMann
    RedMann replied to the thread auburn smells.
    I concur
  • RedMann
    RedMann replied to the thread [SCP-UK] Kakes ECM Application.
    Unforseen but we'll ride with it Alot of people are quite against the idea of this being accepted on the basis you aren't foundation...