Recent content by RedMann

  1. RedMann


    shout out to those low lives of civil networks who dont have anything better to do with their miserable lives!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️ you cunts are the reason we cant have nice people and nice things !!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉 get a hobby folks.... Take care Athena, its a shame it has to end this way again, you're too good...
  2. RedMann

    bye bye

    dont be snarky and rude where it's not needed, if you dont want to say goodbye to this gentlemen then simply scroll past his post, doesn't paint a good light of you anywho take care detainee you were a good bit of fun my friend
  3. RedMann

    Stay safe during storm

    why dont you stop being such a fucking kill joy anyways stay safe too connor good man yourself
  4. RedMann

    Archangel's Goodbye

    Still have your shoes 😬
  5. RedMann

    Cheesy is going..

    got excited for a minute
  6. RedMann

    auburn smells

    I concur
  7. RedMann

    [SCP-UK] Kakes ECM Application

    Unforseen but we'll ride with it Alot of people are quite against the idea of this being accepted on the basis you aren't foundation cl4, and to be honest, I completely understand and respect it as a valid opinion, however, in my opinion, roleplay is roleplay and people who are capable of...
  8. RedMann

    [UK] Harvey Bridgers Attempt for Reassignment to ECM

    Hello Harvey, I'm not going to leave a + or - as I fear your time in the spotlight began after my exit, however I would like to sing some praises for you. You have proven to me to be an effective taskmaster and quality control CoS, removing undesireable captains, this has plagued the server...
  9. RedMann

    [UK] Sion Llewellyn (Sceptre)'s ECM Application

    Hello Sheep Shagger, You most certainly have what it takes to be a senior site member, I recall fondly how well you led prosecutors when you were a captain and how much RP you helped to create and dish out. My only qualm is that was a little while ago, and its a rather niche in the wider...
  10. RedMann

    [SCP-RP UK] Tim Drake's Ethics Committee Member Application

    Hello Dim Trake, During my time as ECC i watched you go from DoIA to SM, and i think it's a path of progression that's quite visible in your journey through the server. From what I recall, you were good for dishing out orders, RP interactions and maintaining server standards, these are some of...
  11. RedMann

    [UK] O5-1 "The Chimera"

    who are you again? Anyways... I think alot of people are forgetting or just never really saw just how capable and efficient you were in what was in hindsight, not the longest run as ECC, but as your sucessor I know just how much both myself and the server owes to you, it's amazing how big of an...
  12. RedMann

    [UK-SCPRP] Hamster's Security Chief application.

    Regardless of if you think he's being funny or has some agenda against you, that is a next level crash out, basically assaulting someone in DMs due to an IC issue, completely unbecoming of ANY Clearance 4, let alone a Director... -support, that screenshot should even make SA/SC question your...
  13. RedMann

    [SCP-RP UK] Ethics Committee Assistant (ECA) Application: Darrel Sparks/Darell Junior

    Now I havent played in a bit but this caught my eye so here we are, so i'd like to give a bit more constructive criticism without giving an actual + or -. An application coming out to 93% chance AI written is nuts and not the norm by any means and certainly not something to glance over, and if...
  14. RedMann

    she she on my my till I QUIT!!!! (im so funny)

    forgot to say care but now its funnier
  15. RedMann

    Guess I should actually make one of these

    take care raven!