Recent content by Redrrx

  1. Redrrx

    Discord Ban appeal.

    Your Discord name & tag: redrrx / Redrrx#8675 What server is this for, Network, CityRP, SCP or MRP?: MRP DRP and networks Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 1216774522376556544 Date of ban (if known):31oct 2023 Reason for ban (if known): Rasicm Who banned you?: no idea...
  2. Redrrx

    Pope's Moderator Application

    +Support. +Good rule knowledge/Activity (after he fixed login problems).
  3. Redrrx

    Accepted Nerf ka52 cannon

  4. Redrrx

    Denied New RMP Skins

    -1 x -1
  5. Redrrx

    Denied Revert Snipers to not need combat score

    I Agree with everything you said so its a: -Support
  6. Redrrx

    GunStealers Moderator Application

    -Support. the Vtime says it all.
  7. Redrrx


  8. Redrrx

    Denied Remove the One jump and One crouch Rule.

    -Support. This suggestion Makes literally no sense,why would somebody not be able to jump once or crouch once. What i think is more logical is to be able to crouch spam and not able to jump more than once.
  9. Redrrx

    Wolf Varem Resignation Appeal

    +Support. -Active. -Good rules knowledge.
  10. Redrrx

    Chin Dribbler's Moderator Application

    +/- Neutral. -Nice guy but your vtime is a little low to not even reach a week . -Also needs more activity.
  11. Redrrx

    Denied Increase ka50 hydra count

  12. Redrrx

    Gup's awesome GM application

    I have never intetracted with you neither saw you in the server. and by looking at your Vtime and the ban you got it dosen't assure me you're going to do a great job.
  13. Redrrx

    WARDEN's Moderator Application

    +/- Neural. -Rules knowledge is not bad. -Change your app as it was asking for a previous MOD app not NHC. -Activity is good.