Recent content by Rizzie

  1. Rizzie

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Rizzie

    This should have been taken to a sit at the time if you thought it was meta , ill provide my side of the story anyhow You had already breached 2 scps in LHCZ and i was sweeping for you , i had no other e11 at the time and was dealing with the breach solo , using the knowlege of what was...
  2. Rizzie

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Rizzie

    Im confused , aren't you a US player , also your accusing me of flagging on 682 when asked?
  3. Rizzie

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Rizzie

    ended up being 3 times over the last 11 months XD , although SA dismissed the most recent one :)
  4. Rizzie

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Rizzie

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK) Your Username: Rizzie Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:141634926 Discord Username: .rizzie Age: 17 What's your current playtime: 3d 19h 44m over 2 months total playtime over the last 2 years Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: F - Aiden...
  5. Rizzie

    Accepted Remove 22415-3 Containment Beam, or add rules regarding it.

    Massive +support , Ah yes this immortal being can just beam me however much it pleases while i cannot do anything against it
  6. Rizzie

    [USA] Alex Reacher's Medical Consultant Application

    -Support , same reasons that i -supported all your other apps , you aren't CL4 material , you are incredibly toxic and you are blacklisted from basically everything on uk
  7. Rizzie

    PAC Request Dr Mizrachi PAC Request

    +support , dont see why not , though i would stay away from 035s chamber or someone will be getting banned
  8. Rizzie

    [UK] Kayla's Staff Application

    HUGE +SUPPORT - Great as an RP Leader -Significant Playtime on the server -Experience As Sr CL4 -Good knowledge and understanding of the rules
  9. Rizzie

    [UK] Executive Researcher Application

    +support His 008 tests may lead to an XK Class Scenario but been a while since we had one of those anyway
  10. Rizzie

    Denied Additional CU spawn location

    -support i aint sharing no bunks with gensec
  11. Rizzie

    [US] Alex's Second GSD Cpt App

    -Support I cant even begin to describe how much of a problem u were on UK , you caused most of the regiment to just play something else when you were online , Besides as a Captain you should have the ability to RP , the last time you were involved in rp you threw a hissy fit and refused to flag...
  12. Rizzie

    Denied scp suggestion

    -support you literally suggested 2 scps that have no place in this server , CT are not gonna accept this
  13. Rizzie

    Denied My suggestion for a new Department of Legal Representation (DLR for short)

    this is gonna get denied , it simply isnt needed - support
  14. Rizzie

    UK Server Upgrade

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Upgrading the server to the same specs as the US server would greatly improve the lag situation on uk (sits on 5tps for 8 hours during peak) Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I'm not sure , i...