Recent content by Ronin

  1. Ronin

    Denied Give GOC General Job Disguise card / Give GMs the ability to use the !setjob command

    I was told to make both suggestions by SL when I asked for their opinions on it and I cannot be asked waiting the cooldown
  2. Ronin

    Denied Give GOC General Job Disguise card / Give GMs the ability to use the !setjob command

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Give the UNGOC General a Disguise Kit and allow GMs to use the !setjob command ( Stuff talking about GOC will be in darker colours and GM will be in lighter colours ) Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion...
  3. Ronin

    [UK] O5-1 "The Sycophant" Application

    +Support Fairly long term O5 with experience, He has been instrumental in assisting in Foundation - UNGOC Surface RP. I though that Project mindshift was project Mindshit
  4. Ronin

    What is the most Horrifing SCP in your Opinion?

    Or hell actually that 001 proposal where an O5 member gets revived and he describes what death is truly like
  5. Ronin

    What is the most Horrifing SCP in your Opinion?

    SCP 610 or SCP-3199
  6. Ronin

    [UK] Flare's GM Application

    Is that fucking Simon Cowell?
  7. Ronin

    [UK] Flare's GM Application

    +Support - Is a long term member of the community - Leads RP Regularly - Former GM
  8. Ronin

    Alpha-1 CSG "Moon" AC-AV1 (Advanced chameleon - Armor Version 1)

    The way it's meant to be implemented is to be colour changing based on the environment around it but no where near perfect invisibility
  9. Ronin

    Alpha-1 CSG "Moon" AC-AV1 (Advanced chameleon - Armor Version 1)

    Chamelon Cloth is not Paranormal it's actually well known IRL and is counted as cutting edge tech
  10. Ronin

    Accepted UNGOC TB Slight buff

    I am just gonna end it here as, GOC Thauma has nothing, No Tac Tablet, No Primary, No Secondary, No Grenades or even hacking devices. As a result would it be too much to ask for 100 energy and 100 HP or if that's too much 50 energy and 250hp? Also regarding you last point, cope about what? I...
  11. Ronin

    Accepted UNGOC TB Slight buff

    When Terrorists are a preferable option to the Foundation then maybe that should mean the Foundation should take a look at themselves and wonder why GOC work with CI more than them. ( Just some advice )
  12. Ronin

    Denied Make it so people on anima cannot stand close to 173 to stop the SCP from moving.

    Not too fun to be constantly Insta killed during Early morning as well
  13. Ronin

    Accepted UNGOC TB Slight buff

    I didn't reply to this for a long time so I did the long replies :D
  14. Ronin

    Accepted UNGOC TB Slight buff

    The GOC should protect them as said in the Five Fold Mission? If Foundation has let Relations sour that much then this sorta stuff would be a wake up call to that instead of SL Intervention
  15. Ronin

    Accepted UNGOC TB Slight buff

    KBAR is LT+, Orange Suit needs SL or LTGEN on and Foundation if actually doing their job and RP should not be at constant war with UNGOC