Recent content by Sam Johnson

  1. Sam Johnson

    Partially Accepted UNGOC Base Change

    I think any faction's spawn area should be dedicated to just being....that. A spawn area. No clue what US GOC does with their spawn area, but in UK GOC we have an added space for testing on KTE's simply because HCZ in PTOLEMY Labs just doesn't cut it, which consists of the main part of our...
  2. Sam Johnson

    Partially Accepted UNGOC Base Change

    I (and quite frankly the entirety of the GOC most likely) don't mind a quite moderate delay in a possible rework of the GOC base insolong as it isn't in the range of year(s). (we've been waiting...for a long...long time) I understand, as I've stated in the suggestion, that we are wholly aware...
  3. Sam Johnson

    Partially Accepted UNGOC Base Change

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion is to propose a set of changes to the UNGOC Base, which go as follows: a) The UNGOC Bunks | Spawn Room change | Base arrangement change At the current moment in time, there is nothing wrong with the Bunks room itself, but with its...
  4. Sam Johnson

    Denied Orange Suit Suggested Changes & Buffs

    I can understand where you're coming from with these points, and imo they're all excellently made. The reason I specified the size and low armor and HP being an issue is because of crossfire. My first deployment during a 008 breach and several others I witnessed while assisting an Orange Suit...
  5. Sam Johnson

    Denied Orange Suit Suggested Changes & Buffs

    I fail to see, and this is just me personally at least, how the comparison between Orange Suit getting buffed and GOC nuking Foundation holds up. The Orange Suit is mostly deployed to HELP the Foundation with 008 breaches or other severe SCP breach scenarios with 5-6 SCPs breached...the only...
  6. Sam Johnson

    Denied Orange Suit Suggested Changes & Buffs

    I will try to do my best in explaining my points of view for every suggestion I put forth. While it is completely reasonable that Orange Suit should not "shred" every SCP, in the video he managed to kill one (perhaps 2) SCP-008 instances while damaging 7722 by a few percentage points (I am...
  7. Sam Johnson

    Denied Orange Suit Suggested Changes & Buffs

    1-What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion is made in order to make the Orange Suit more playable in terms of power, ability and versatility. As currently is, the Orange Suit has 1000 HP and 1000 armor, which, despite being the highest on the server, isn't that impressive...