Recent content by Sammy Peppers

  1. Sammy Peppers

    Moringstars Medical Consultant Application [USA]

    To: Morningstar From: Director of Medicine Subject: Consultant Application After review of your application and discussion with the leadership team, we have decided to Deny your application at this time. Please reach out to a director via email (panzer3332, antibambi) if you would like to...
  2. Sammy Peppers

    [USA] Sammy Peppers Overseer Assistant Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103707941 Discord name: antibambi For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 1460 hours Age: 27 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: PST Character name(s): Sammy Peppers Civilian name: Sammy Peaches What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or...
  3. Sammy Peppers

    john robins medical cunsoltaint application

    To: john robin From: Director of Medicine Subject: Consultant Application After review of your application and discussion with the leadership team, we have decided to Deny your application, and further disregard of the 2 week cool-down may result in a blacklist from applying for Medical CL4...
  4. Sammy Peppers

    'Duke' Astro [XII] Medical Consultant Application (UAS)

    To: 'Duke' Astro From: Director of Medicine Subject: Consultant Application After review of your application and discussion with the leadership team, we have decided to Accept your application. Please reach out to a director via email (weebesan, antibambi) when possible to move forward with...
  5. Sammy Peppers

    [USA] Element's Consultant Application (2025)

    To: 'Element' C. Evergreen From: Director of Medicine Subject: Consultant Application After review of your application and discussion with the leadership team, we have decided to Accept your application. Please reach out to a director via email (weebesan, antibambi) when possible to move...
  6. Sammy Peppers

    Nyssa 'Monterey' Emmental Consultant Application [USA]

    To: Nyssa 'Monterey' Emmental From: Director of Medicine Subject: Consultant Application After review of your application and discussion with the leadership team, we have decided to Accept your application. Please reach out to a director via email (weebesan, antibambi) when possible to move...
  7. Sammy Peppers

    [USA] James Crowley Medical Consultant Application V2

    To: James Crowley From: Director of Medicine Subject: Consultant Application After review of your application and discussion with the leadership time, we have decided to have to DENY your application. Please reach out to a director via email (weebesan, antibambi) if you wish to discuss this...
  8. Sammy Peppers

    John "Hazard" Burns Medical Consultant Application (SCP-RP USA)

    To: John "Hazard" Burns From: Director of Medicine Subject: Consultant Application After review of your application and discussion with the leadership team, we have decided to APPROVE your application. Please reach out to a director via email (weebesan, antibambi) when possible to move forward...
  9. Sammy Peppers

    'Zeta' Anderson's Medical Consultant Application #1 [USA]

    To: Zeta Anderson From: Director of Medicine Subject: Consultant Application After review of your application and discussion with the leadership time, we have decided to have to ACCEPT your application. Please reach out to a director via email (antibambi) when possible to start on boarding...
  10. Sammy Peppers

    Waltuh 'Hindenburg' Black's Consultant Application (USA)

    To: Waltuh 'Hindenburg' Black From: Director of Medicine Subject: Consultant Application After review of your application and discussion with the leadership team, we have decided to have to DENY your application. Please reach out to a director via email (antibambi) for more info if needed. You...
  11. Sammy Peppers

    [USA] O5-4 'The Curator'

    + HUGE Support
  12. Sammy Peppers

    [USA] Dredd's OSA Application

    +Support -Very very professional -Very respectful -Does a wonderful job within IA