What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds rules against the use and what you can do on the op job such as
The job cannot be given out unless you are outnumbered by at least 10 people (to stop 2 of them when its 18-12)
The job cannot carry a flag having to use a full mag to kill a guy...
-support i think you should spend some more time outside of hc first especially considering this....
You must be at least Second lieutenant before applying for NATO High Command (and held that rank for at least 2 weeks), although you may apply at RSM with permission from the GRM
Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:529200588
Discord name: shaun111103
For how long have you played on MRP: Like 3 years
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Scotland
Time zone: GMT
NATO name (regiment and rank): Axel PVT
NWO name (regiment and rank)...
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