Recent content by Shrimp

  1. Shrimp

    Accepted New Radio DJ/TV or News Station job

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds a new job where players can host their own radio station or TV stations and people can buy radios or TV's to listen/watch the broadcast. DJ's could play music as well as broadcast their voice and anyone else who's in proximity of the radio mic...
  2. Shrimp

    Accepted Dark RP Basing Reform

    +Support One ways and Hex Shields are not fun. They both require the other party to have the other in order for it to be a semi fair fight. I don't have much to say as I don't base or raid a whole lot but when I do these are both awful to deal with.
  3. Shrimp

    Accepted Suggestions to increase PD/Criminal activity

    1) +Support I think adding the unarrest baton to the shop is great, but one problem I see with it is that arrest times are already super low and and there's so many easy ways for someone to get out of jail very quickly already (maxnet, skills that reduce time, and black market dealer). I think...
  4. Shrimp

    Denied Disallow PD (except FBI) from Hacking

    I like this suggestion but also would like the hack phones to be fixed and/or give the FBI agents battering rams to conduct their own investigations based on warrants. One of the reasons I play as a police officer when I'm doing ICO-19 is just because I need a battering ram to actually get to...
  5. Shrimp

    Anyone know how to return the contents of the console or result of a command as a string using mnscript?

    You can't get the results directly from the console but you can the get the same results a lot of the time by using net messages. There's a really good tutorial for that here by lybbx. If you can be more specific with what you're trying to do I let you know if you can use net messages. Also if...
  6. Shrimp

    Shrimp's Crypto Helper

    Hello, I made a crypto helper that can be used in place of getchar and cshift. Enjoy: Functions you can use: cshift(string input,number offset) Just like regular cshift, first parameter is your string you want to shift, second parameter is your offset amount. Returns decoded string...
  7. Shrimp

    Creating Servers?

    I was wondering if there was a way to setup an SSH or a server so that people could buy things like scripts from it and you didn't have to be on the server with a terminal running the whole time? I've seen things like RK shop and other software shops do something like this and I was just...
  8. Shrimp

    How do I turn text that is generated from console into a string?

    Thank you this is really helpful! But how do you change ascii values into characters on Maxnet?
  9. Shrimp

    How do I turn text that is generated from console into a string?

    Thank you so much! Now that I've got that to work, how to return the string values from local programs like getchar or cshift?
  10. Shrimp

    How do I turn text that is generated from console into a string?

    I want to write a script that grabs an IP from a website. For example if I type in: "whois" and it returns: ---WHOIS--- IP: Registrar: Civil Gamers Police Dept. etc. How do I grab the specific line from console with the ip address and turn it into a string? Any help...