Recent content by SKY2

  1. SKY2

    [USA] John "Madanarch's" Inspector Application

    - Support. A lot of frp and metagame warnings and being toxic. Dosen't fit to be an inspector unless he changes his behaviour.
  2. SKY2

    [SCP-RP USA] John Nohacks OSA

    +support he is a great person and would do as a good osa.
  3. SKY2

    [USA] Adame 'Cat' Adams Gensec Captain Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:205878355 Discord name: skyghaste For how long have you played on CG SCP: I think about 1 - 1.5 years Age: 16 In what country are you located?: Poland Time zone: GMT +1 Character name(s): Adame 'Cat' Adams Civilian name: Adam Kalenkiewicz What server are you applying for...