

NATOUSSR / NWOMedalsBadges
Current - NATO INF PVT Current - ABT LTCOLUSSR Order of Glory 3rd ClassABT - Medal of Excellence
JAF - MAJSTS - SGTUSSR Order of Glory 2nd Class-
RMP - SSGTIVG - MAJUSSR Order of Kutuzov-
-SC - LGEN --


  1. 20

    1 Year and many more to come...

    Spent an entire year with Civil Networks
  2. 10

    Starting to settle

    You have posted 5 threads on the Civil Gamers forums
  3. 1

    First message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
  4. 20

    CN Rookie (2 Months with CN)

    Be a member of Civil Networks for 2 months!
  5. 10

    CN Newbie (2 Weeks with CN)

    Be a member of Civil Networks for 2 weeks
  6. 50

    Beyond Ventz (2 Years with CN)

    Be a member of the Civil Networks community for 2 years!