Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94257433
Discord name: skyric1982
For how long have you played on MRP: Started playing in 2021
Are you a returning player?: No
If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?:
NATO name (regiment and rank): ISAF INF PVT 'Doncaster'
USSR name (regiment and rank)...
- Support
From what ive seen in the past was that you wasnt very active at times, also saying the only thing your pround of is "getting depression" from the game doesnt help your case
- Support
A Suggestion was made abit ago about the same thing, like parker said kill the drone it doesnt take much to kill a drone and rush the jugg with another jugg or a vehicle
Your Username: Skyric
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94257433
Discord Username: skyric1982
Age: 21
What's your current playtime: 20days
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name: ABT MAJ 'Starlight'
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous...
Its not a massive difference as currently lets be real NATO is getting shafted yet they normally have more players on and i swear too god 90% of NATO have fucking stingers and theres legit NOTHING that helis regs can do (other then to try and cas them) but atleast allowing both sides to have 2...
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