Recent content by Speff

  1. Speff

    I'm done, Just done

    o7 one of the best and most supportive captains i have ever worked alongside, i wish you well man and i hope ill see you on every now and then 🫡
  2. Speff

    Oscar[Apple]Goodmen GENSEC CPT USA Thread 3rd attempt

    apple can learn something from @Ogre, man had the greatest comeback arc i have ever seen in the history of this server and gensec
  3. Speff

    Oscar[Apple]Goodmen GENSEC CPT USA Thread 3rd attempt

    the wait time for applications are 2 weeks, not sure who told you otherwise but they are always 2 weeks your job ban was quite some time ago, i will not disclose the nature of it in a public forum but if you improve enough you won't have to worry about it
  4. Speff

    Oscar[Apple]Goodmen GENSEC CPT USA Thread 3rd attempt

    bro you literally got denied 7 days ago lmfao also given you have gotten job banned from gensec in the past, you should probably explain why you aren't gonna minge also also you should probably write your own lore instead of using chatgpt, its not gonna be the reason for denial but having ai...
  5. Speff

    [USA] Adam 'Red' Renkov's Ethics Committee Member Application

    +support amazing isd director
  6. Speff

    [US] Mace's ECM App

    +support amazing captain, does really well in almost every role i have seen him in
  7. Speff

    [USA] Camden's Captain Application

    -support whatever happened to not wanting to come back +support
  8. Speff

    [US] Amenhe 'Oneirophobia' GSD Captain Application

    +support good past captain but don't resign in the first week of having captain again 😭
  9. Speff

    [USA] Gerald 'Gensec' General Security Captain application

    +support gerald gensec (if you dont accept this man im resigning)
  10. Speff

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Speff (I had made the joke while undercover as cadet with a different name)

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA) Your in-game name: Speff (I had made the joke while undercover as cadet with a different name) Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:671290689 Ban Reason: ERP Date of ban: 1/22/25 Who banned you: Marshal Brenton Ban length: 3 days What will you...
  11. Speff

    Rule Suggestion Make /me strips weapons powergame

    click to accept is not gonna work often, you have to factor in the people who just are not going to accept bc they dont care about rp and i dont want to waste my time yelling "click accept" or spend 10 minutes waiting for a staff sit then 10 minutes in the staff sit because somebody didnt click...
  12. Speff

    [US] security captain app

    +support Bug sucks at applications but he is an extremely good leader and one of if not the best person in combat on site. I don't know what others are saying but I have seen him on GENSEC a good amount and he does extremely good on the job, a rarity among GSD these days. He has been on the...
  13. Speff

    john robins medical consultant aplication [usa]

    +support worked very hard on application