
February 23


Military Role Play - UK [New World Oder]
Iron VanguardAgency of Rule1st Armored LegionSteel Winged BatalionStrategic Task Syndicate
Former - LTFormer CPLFormer - MSGTFormer - SSGTFormer - CPL 2x
Former - MSGT x2Former - CPLFormer - CPL
Former - SGTFormer - PFC
Military Role Play - UK [North Atlantic Treaty Organization]
International Security Assistance ForceRoyal Military Police
J17th Armored Regiment
Joint Air ForceSpecial Air Service
Former - SSGTFormer - CPL Former - LCPLFormer - MSGT x2Former - SPC x2
Former - SGT x2Former - SGT
Former - CPL

NWO - We are the New World and Order

NATO - We Bring and fight for Peace

SCP Role Play - UK
SCP FoundationThe Chaos InsurgencyThe United Nations Global Occoult Coalition
Former - GSD CPT (CL4)-Former - CPL
Former - NU7 PVT (x2)
Former - E11 CPL

Send from the Office of The Administrator

May the SCP Foundation be key to saving the World


This note has been classified with the Level - 5/5 clearance any person not passing Biometric Level - 5/5 access is subjec to termination by MTF R-█.



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    1 Year and many more to come...

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    CN Rookie (2 Months with CN)

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    Beyond Ventz (2 Years with CN)

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    CN Newbie (2 Weeks with CN)

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