Recent content by Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

  1. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Prices staff blacklist appeal

    + support Bro did 1/100 of what MRP staff do and got insta blacklisted, free him! Justice for bro!
  2. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Sandwalkers HC Application

    + support Very old player (of the server), very helpful and a good friend. Has experience in leading and is good at it, aswell as organising and leading a regiment.
  3. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Tadeusz SSHC Application

    This is propaganda against me 😭
  4. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Tadeusz SSHC Application

    I didn't ask Jimmy to step down for my app to look better, if you want to know the real reason contact jimmy or me 🙏
  5. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Tadeusz SSHC Application

    If i get HC i WILL 1v1 you and show you im simply build better.
  6. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    AJ NHC Application

    + Support Good man
  7. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Tadeusz SSHC Application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:157641342 Discord name: hans_konigs For how long have you played on MRP: Joined on end of December 2021. Age: 17 In what country are you located?: Poland Time zone: GMT +2 NATO name (regiment and rank): PVT King of Head USSR...
  8. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Clap Demotion Appeal

    + Support - Active - Has changed and is following rules - OG
  9. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Accepted Mastery is really bad

    To explain to you how that worked. Like i said in my recent reply, your level would increase depending on how much Vtime you have. Each level makes the Vtime requirement higher a bit, but the rewards were a tad bit too OP. More HP, More stamina, More ammo, More RPGs, Lower recoil. That's...
  10. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Accepted Mastery is really bad

    Removing mastery grinding and bringing back old lvl system (More time spent ingame -> More bonuses) would be better. And i think that if the Level system got setup again, it would auto give everyone their lvl based on how much time they spent ingame. For people that don't know, Level system...
  11. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Accepted Mastery is really bad

    + Support Mastery is too much of a grind, ranks don't matter much unless you want to place down FOBs or be in a CO suit all the time... The level system back in the day was so much better then the current mastery one, It only gave you Stamina, Health, Lower recoil and money. You want a good job...
  12. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Aleems resignation appeal

    + Support - Every interaction with this man is a dopamine booster - Very friendly - Mature - Active - Good rule knowledge and always willing to help out With that said Aleem, i hope you get back into the staff team. It would be the best birthday present for me :D (23.01)
  13. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    jamesbond's moderator aplication

    + Support - Active - Good interactions - Mature enough, though sometimes he do be monke
  14. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Denied Add Sexual Assault back to the arrest reasons

    Hangup that computer call and come kiss me on my hot mouth, i'm feeling romantical ? +Support
  15. Tadeusz Castle [Tad]

    Denied Bring back USSR

    + Support This will revive the server, and 100% sure it will bring back old players. Most of the old leadership of regiments left the server mainly because of the change from USSR vs NATO to NWO vs UAN.