Recent content by tony schleck

  1. tony schleck

    Economy Reset fake?!?

    tbh i think it will stay happen but it will be told a month in advance so players know they should not invest in money stuff )and they keep doing every 30 min advert in-game chat)
  2. tony schleck

    Denied remove deathcam

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: remove the deathcam or add a ability to disable it Has something similar been suggested before?: it probably did? Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): not getting annoyed by having to wait to play again! keeping new players more easly in...
  3. tony schleck

    Denied SWB/JAF AA Job

    -support this have been suggested already this week+ many times have been asked
  4. tony schleck

    Denied Buff heli's there weak now

    -nuetral let us wait for a while
  5. tony schleck

    Denied Give SC and NHC combat score sniper job

    -support never understoud why HC SC even had snipers before your job is too lead not too go on a hill to sniper
  6. tony schleck

    Denied Disallow armored vehicles on machinery defense missions

    -support i mean take out a armored vehicle yourself and they take a risk of taking a tank out for a mission regarding health i think it is fine too
  7. tony schleck


    -support this have been suggested already in the UK server before as swb/usaf are op already as it is your job is mainly flying and less ground
  8. tony schleck

    Denied USSR V NATO (!)Read it properly first before making up your mind(!)

    +support sounds way more populair when looking through the server list and we get our old tanks back! regarding player count idk it will really change that much (ussr) to fix the numbers there need to be other changes than just implementing ussr the only benefit i see is more new users
  9. tony schleck

    Denied Changes to SWB/JAF Anti Air Job

    -support As already said you guys got a heck of a firepower already On top of it it will add another pain to tanks that even more players got c4 (c4 are very strong against tank) And about the kwk they got nerved to aid you guys of not getting shot down easy My tank regiment got to deal with=...
  10. tony schleck

    Accepted Adding Jamming and Gun-cleaning

    -support don't get me wrong i love the idea you have and the work you need to put in the gun but.. -first all the programming of it will take alot of time -and i think this stuff more belongs home in arma -its gmod it will break alot trust me
  11. tony schleck

    Osoi's Moderator Application

    Neutral+- i didn't have any interaction with you -short staff app
  12. tony schleck

    GamerzoneTW's Moderator Application

    Neutral+- i didn't have any interaction with you -short staff app
  13. tony schleck

    JackaBlazes Moderator Application

    Neutral -i had no intertaction without you yet -only 50hours playtime
  14. tony schleck

    Accepted [MRP] Rework the New Player experience

    +support...but very good suggestion specially with the new system for my reg (tanks) i will have a mandotory intro that they have to do small bad part is that is removing another RP part of the server and we are lacking little bit of it now